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"There is no gender identity behind the expressions of gender... identity is performatively constituted by the very 'expressions' that are said to be its results." - Judith Butler
这句话来自于Judith Butler的著作《性别困扰》(Gender Trouble)中,强调了性别身份是一种表演性的概念,不应该被视为先天的、固定的特质。这句话反映了性别歧视的本质,即人们在社会上所扮演的角色往往受到社会和文化因素的影响,而不是仅仅由生理性别所决定。它提醒我们应该摒弃对性别的刻板印象和偏见,以更加包容和平等的态度看待不同性别的人。
1. Women should be treated equally with men, not only in the workplace but also in society and in every aspect of life.
2. Gender discrimination is unacceptable and should be eliminated wherever and whenever it occurs.
3. It is not only immoral but also illegal to discriminate against women in any field or on any grounds.
4. The sad reality is that women are still facing discrimination and gender-based violence, and these actions can no longer be tolerated.
5. Equality between men and women is a fundamental human right that must be respected and upheld at all times and in all places.
① Man is the most intelligent ofall species. ② All menshouldmaintain the ecologicbalance.
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