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People are more equal if there is a small power distance. In America, just a normal average low-level employee can approach a CEO and talk to him/her.
Americans place a great deal of emphasis on the self and personal identity。
Evaluating how and when trust has been violated goes a long way to restoring it. Handling the issue in a professional, non-confrontational manner means hearing the other person’s story. Calmly listening to both sides often prevents a simple misunderstanding from becoming an intolerable situation.
下属对上司:1.Do not ask him/her private life, unless you have to;2. Usage of formal language---do not talk like you are talking with your friend; 3. Hold the door for him/her; 4.Act professionally; 5. Get things done before deadline.
上次对下属:1.Do not as him/her private life, unless you have to; 2.Even though you are the boss, but don't forget, be respectful to people who work for you;3.Do not step over the line---- keep your relationship within work;4.Show that you care about your employees, not only care about what they can do for you;5.Do not ever ask them to deal with your private problems, also, never ask them to work extra shifts without paying them.
i'll put you through right now.
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